Newsletter - Spring II 2015/2016

April 12, 2016

NEWSLETTER – Spring II 2016


Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope that 2016 brings you everything that you wish for!!

This half term we will be looking at our senses.

Week 1            Sight

Week 2            Smell, inc. St David’s Day, Mother’s Day and World Book Day

Week 3            Touch

Week 4            Sound, inc. Open afternoon and parent consultations

Week 5            Taste, inc Easter, Duck Race & Open afternoon


We are happy to look at anything that you child would like to bring into the setting that you feel might link in with the topic (or not as the case may be) then they can talk about it in circle time.


St David’s Day is on the Tuesday 1st March the children can dress up in costume, come in red or wear a daffodil/leek.

World Book Day is on Thursday 4th March and so we will be dressing up       as a character from a book but if they want to they can wear any costume that they like.

We will be holding our annual Duck race on Thursday 24th March (weather permitting). As usual there will be a morning and afternoon race. Ducks will be £1.00 each, and for those of you who are not familiar with this race, they are of the plastic sort, they are provided by us and you just choose a number and hope that number duck wins. A separate letter will be sent out with further details.

We will be holding parent consultations on Monday 14th March & Wednesday 16th March. Times will be 3.30pm – 5.00pm. If you would like to come and talk about your child and their time at Stepping Stones then there will be a sheet in school with slots for appointments, please let us know if you would like a consultation. We will do our best to accommodate everyone with their preferred day and time.

We will be doing some Sport Relief activities this half term but we will not have a specific event.

We will be holding an open afternoon on Tuesday 22nd March from 1.30pm – 3.00pm for parents and children who are not yet in Stepping Stones but who would like to come along in the future. Please let anyone know who you think may be interested. If your child attends on this afternoon, the session will be running as normal.


Tuesday 1st March – St David’s Day

Thursday 3rd March – World Book Day

Monday 14th & Wednesday 16th March – Parent Consultations

Tuesday 22nd March – Open Afternoon

Thursday 24th March – Duck Races

Thursday 24th March – We finish for Easter

Monday 11th April – Start of the summer term

As always if you have any questions or concerns please speak to a member of staff who will be happy to help.


Newsletter – Autumn II 2015/2016Newsletter – Spring 2017